[也 Tuesday 02 January 2007 [也
First of all, Happy New year ^^.
I have nothing special to give you as present, just some Ragnaroks drawing.
Since I have no time at the moment, I just replace the supposed "making of" link by a guestbook.
Hope I'll be motivated to make a new layout for the next time^^.
[也 Thursday 30 November 2006 [也
Well, just a little update, sorry atm I'm quite busy and lazy. So then, no guest book for the moment. I just added some sketches^^
[也 Friday 13 October 2006 [也
Little up to enable the links section.
And a little champion in Fanart Gallery.
Next update: guest book. ENJOY!! ^^

29149 visites depuis le 8/10/2006.